Серьёзные знакомства Sitelove
Tanya запретила просмотр своих фотографий незарегистрированным посетителям и неактивированным пользователям.
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Tanya из Луганска, 60 лет
1 фото


, 60 лет, Козерог
Луганск (Луганская обл.)

Цель знакомства:
Серьёзные отношения

Семейное положение:

Наличие детей:
Есть ребёнок

165 см.

79 кг.

Цвет волос:

Цвет глаз:

Отношение к курению:
Не курит

Отношение к алкоголю:
Только по праздникам


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I’m a woman with sincere, loving heart and pure soul. I search for the unique man to establish a happy family. I’m opened for sincere relations, fair and counterbalanced. I the gentle, sensual and quiet lady. I love the house, a heat, a cosiness. And flowers very much. It’s pleasant to travel. I looking for the man with whom I will go on a life and we will be happy together! I wish to meet the kind friend in a life and the reliable partner. I dream of the man, having met with which we could enjoy our long and happy life. I hope to meet one only man in my life. I dream of a meeting with the kind, clever and reliable man. I would like that it was attentive, gentle and careful. That he was able to understand the woman and to be to me the good friend.